Steven Bos (USN)

6 posts

Meet Assoc. Prof. Radmila Juric

Radmila Juric is a computer scientist, with a long-term research interest in semantic technologies and creating computational meaning, underpinned with formalisations and description logic.  Her interests in computational models based on reasoning, highlighted the problematic nature of our computational algorithms when they either address problems across disciplines, or compute solutions for complex situations, which would satisfy humans.  She is also interested in accountability an obscurity of


Meet Julian Breivold Nilsen

Having received a bachelor's degree in Electrical and Automation Engineering from USN in 2018, Jullian decided to pursue a master's degree in Systems Engineering with Embedded Systems. He is currently working on his master's thesis in which he is exploring ternary computing, memristors, and their possible application in Robotics. Julian is interested in recent developments in Industrial Automation and Robotics.


Meet Prof. Nils-Olav Skeie

Nils-Olav Skeie was involved in system design and development in the computer, aviation and maritime industry for about 20 years before taking a PhD in soft sensors and machine learning. After finishing his PhD education, he started to work at Telemark University College and later at the University of South-Eastern Norway full time. He continued to work in the maritime industry (part-time) for more than 10 years after starting in academia. Nils-Olav Skeie has lectured in system design courses li